Ascending the Hill of the Lord
Jeremy Skaggs   -  

Our sermon explores Psalm 24, focusing on the question, “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?” The implications of this question for our spiritual lives is significant, especially once you recognize your inability to meet God’s holy standards on our own.

The sermon highlights Jesus Christ as the only one who truly fulfills the requirements of clean hands and a pure heart, and how His descent into humanity grants us the privilege to ascend to God’s presence.


  • Everything belongs to God: We are merely stewards of what He has entrusted to us, including our very lives.
  • Our hearts are naturally impure: We cannot rely on our own righteousness or goodness to approach God.
  • Jesus is our access to God: Through Christ’s sacrifice, we can now approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, receiving mercy and grace in our time of need.

As we continue our journey of faith, let us remember that our ability to stand before God is not based on our own merits, but on the righteousness of Christ.

This truth should fill us with gratitude, even in difficult times when being thankful feels challenging.

May we live in the light of this incredible privilege, always seeking to honor God with our lives and hearts.


Pastor Jeremy


Sermon Outline:

  1. The earth belongs to the Lord
    1. Everything we have is already His
    2. We are stewards, not owners
  2. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?
    1. Limited access to God due to sin
    2. Miracle of desiring God’s presence
    3. Narrow is the gate that leads to life
  3. Requirements for ascending
    1. Clean hands and pure heart
    2. Not lifting soul to falsehood or swearing deceitfully
  4. The problem of impure hearts
    1. Natural deceitfulness of the heart
    2. Jesus’ teaching on the heart’s impurity
  5. The search for one who can ascend
    1. Failed attempts: Abel, Noah, Abraham, Moses
  6. Jesus: The One who fulfills the requirements
    1. His descent from divinity for humanity
    2. Descriptions from Isaiah 53
  7. The privilege to ascend through Jesus
    1. Access granted to God’s presence
    2. Clothed in His righteousness
    3. Confidence to approach the throne of grace

Thankfulness for access to God through Christ


Small Group Guide: Ascending the Hill of the Lord

Opening Prayer:
Begin by praying together and giving thanks for Jesus covering our sins.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Everything belongs to God – we are stewards, not owners.
  2. Desiring a relationship with God is a miracle in itself.
  3. Clean hands and a pure heart are required to ascend God’s holy hill.
  4. Our hearts are naturally impure and deceitful.
  5. Jesus is the only one who truly fulfills the requirements to ascend God’s hill.
  6. Through Jesus’ descent (incarnation and sacrifice), we can now ascend to God.

Discussion Questions:

  1. The sermon begins by stating that everything belongs to God. How does this perspective change the way we view our possessions and responsibilities?
  2. Reflect on the question, “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?” Why is this question significant, and how does it challenge our understanding of approaching God?
  3. The sermon mentions that desiring a relationship with God is a miracle. Have you ever considered your faith in this light? How does this perspective impact your gratitude towards God?
  4. The sermon states, “our hearts are naturally un-pure.” How have you experienced this truth in your own life?
  5. What challenges do you face in maintaining spiritual purity?
  6. In what ways does the repeated failure of biblical figures to ‘ascend the hill of the Lord’ resonate with our own spiritual struggles?
  7. How does Jesus’ descent (becoming human and sacrificing Himself) enable our ascent to God? What does this mean for our relationship with God?
  8. The sermon concludes by stating we can now “by-pass the hill of the Lord and go right into the throne of grace with confidence.” How does this truth impact your approach to prayer and worship?

Practical Applications:

  1. Stewardship Check: This week, choose one area of your life (finances, time, talents) and evaluate how you’re managing it as a steward rather than an owner.
  2. Heart Examination: Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal areas where your heart may not be pure. Journal about what He shows you.
  3. Gratitude Practice: Each day this week, write down one way you’re thankful for Jesus’ sacrifice that allows you to approach God freely.
  4. Scripture Meditation: Spend time meditating on Hebrews 4.14-16, reflecting on how Jesus’ role as our High Priest impacts your daily life.
  5. Intentional Worship: Choose a time this week to approach God in worship, consciously acknowledging the privilege of entering His presence because of Jesus.

Closing Prayer:
Encourage group members to share any insights or commitments they’ve made during the discussion, and close in prayer, thanking God for the access we have to Him through Jesus Christ.