Missions We Support

David Fick

David Fick is the Area Director for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) in Kansas and Northwest Missouri. They meet regularly to have fun, learn from one another, and explore the bible and life of Jesus together!

Joe Fick

Ministry Partnership Development Coach

Working to see students across Indiana and Illinois transformed by the gospel and empowered to serve and witness to others both now and in the future.

Nick & Kathryn Kircher

We serve the body of Christ throughout the earth with United Adoration. Our passion is to encourage and revitalize worship and creativity in the church throughout the world, as well as to care for the souls of artists.

Richard & Anna Welch

Our mission is to journey with people into a place of belonging and purpose where they know who they are made to be and from that place can live a life that is transformed and liberated from the brokenness of the world. Richard and Anna currently serve in Turkey.

The Bridge International

Ragnhild (R.K.) Ulrich was principal of Covenant Love Community School in 1974, then went on to establish an organization without costly overhead, that serves and networks with believers with vision and passion to reach others with the love of Jesus in the nations.

Ugandan Water Project

The Ugandan Water Project exists to see Uganda as a nation liberated from the bondage of water-borne disease and poverty as communities leverage the transformative power of clean water to empower all people to live the lives they were created for.